About Us

Thank you for sparing your valuable time in browsing my website.

My name is Simon Richardson ( Sy ) and I live and work in the Berkshire area.

This hobby of mine called the Gardening Network was founded in 2010 whilst I was unemployed.

I have an artistic background from where I excelled in my creative illustration performances at school from an early age. I’ve indulged in the renovating and designing of local properties using my creative skills and new ideas for implementation.

How it started...

Having moved on from my position with one of the biggest network companies in the country, I decided to shape up and tidy my parents garden.

I came to realise that I had a passion for this and revelled in the ability I came to re-establish. I was able to make the garden look much better and receive regular requests from neighbours and friends.

After completing a dozen gardens for family and friends, I eventually admitted that I was no expert...
However...“I simply make your garden look better”!